
ACTFL为幼儿园至12年级的语言教育者提供各种研讨会. These workshops are grounded on a foundation of proficiency and standards-based teaching practices, all targeted toward providing educators with the tools to guide their learners to the next level. We are always working on launching new workshops covering a wide range of topics – be sure to refer back to this page for updates!


真正重要的是沿着熟练度连续体移动(从新手, 到中级, 并向高级熟练程度迈进)? What strategies are effective for developing proficiency using each Mode of Communication? 通过NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do语句的镜头, 揭示熟练程度的要素,以及它们对计划有效任务的意义. 从一个教学样本单元中体验和分析各种例子. Identify one class you are teaching and use that as a lens through which to apply your learning. Guide your learners to develop the language functions and confidence to move to higher levels of proficiency.

最大的参与者: 25
交付语言: 英语
请看我们详细的日程安排 工作坊议程引导学习者达到更高水平的熟练程度.


  1. 同步放大
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (因疫情可能无法提供)
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

发展中 & 星际网赌登录三种沟通模式

Begin by developing a shared understanding of what language proficiency is across levels and how to support learners’ progress towards proficiency goals. Develop a toolbox of strategies to design purposeful units and performance tasks in the three modes of communication (Interpretive, 人际关系, and 表象的) and identify day-to-day learning activities that support language goals. Apply the principles of backward design and the use of authentic resources to effectively plan meaningful learning experiences in the target language. Explore the assessment of language skills in each mode of communication as well as strategies for involving learners in self-assessment for ongoing proficiency growth.

最大的参与者: 25
交付语言: 英语
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.


  1. 同步放大
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (因疫情可能无法提供)
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)


这个工作坊是对…的介绍 AAPPL. The AAPPL is a web-based proficiency and performance assessment of K-12 standards-based language learning. It assesses tasks across the three modes of communication as defined by the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages. 参与者将在新手阶段学习学习者的特点, 中间, 或推进学生熟练程度连续体的高级策略. 另外, participants will work together to develop a student-friendly rubric (K-12) and prompts appropriate for each proficiency level.

最大的参与者: 25
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.


  1. 同步放大
    小时: 8个(包括1个.5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (因疫情可能无法提供)
    小时: 8个(包括1个.5小时休息时间)


本工作坊使参加者熟悉 ACTFL熟练程度指引, ACTFL评定量表,以及 ACTFL口语水平面试(OPI). OPI是星际网赌登录一个人语言水平的有效和可靠的方法. 本工作坊包括由ACTFL职员或辅导员作演讲, 由我们的认证测试人员进行的ACTFL opi的例子, as well as activities that will solidify your understanding of each major proficiency level.

请注意: Participants who complete this workshop are not eligible to apply for Limited (Novice Low – 中间 High) or Full (Novice Low – Superior) OPI 测试人员 Certification. This workshop is appropriate for language educators who do not wish to pursue OPI 测试人员 Certification.

最大的参与者: 20
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里 (这只适用于同步和亲自交付).


  1. 同步放大 (完全由调解人进行)
    小时: 8.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

  2. 通过按需模块实现异步 (没有主持人)
    小时: 12(预计完成模块)

  3. 混合(按需)模块和两个1.5小时Zoom讨论(由主持人主持)
    小时: 15(预计完成模块和讨论会议)

  4. 亲临现场(因疫情可能无法提供)
    小时: 8.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)


的介绍 ACTFL水平指南2012 -写作, this workshop introduces participants to the major and minor level descriptors and the criteria for assigning a global writing proficiency rating. 参与者探索不同熟练程度的各种写作任务, 根据指南中描述的标准星际网赌登录语言样本, and design appropriate writing activities and writing assessment prompts at the four major levels.

最大的参与者: 25
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.

交付 选项:

  1. 同步放大
    小时: 7(包括1.5小时休息时间)

  2. 亲临现场(因疫情可能无法提供)
    小时: 7(包括1.5小时休息时间)


本工作坊的重点是如何使用 ACTFL熟练程度指引 to develop general proficiency in the interpretive modes of listening and reading in the target language. 参加者将审阅 ACTFL熟练程度指引 for Reading and Listening, followed by an introduction to text typology for these interpretive modes. The majority of the workshop time is spent in hands-on activities to guide participants in how 1) to evaluate the effectiveness of their existing materials in terms of their overall goals and target audience, and 2) to select authentic reading and aural texts and use them to design appropriate proficiency-based activities at various levels. 在研讨会结束时, participants will also have the opportunity to discuss implications for assessing these interpretive modes.

最大的参与者: 25
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.

交付 选项:

  1. 同步放大
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (因疫情可能无法提供)
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)


This workshop focuses on how to approach grammar from a functional, proficiency-oriented perspective. 在探索了语法功能处理的框架之后, participants will be guided through hands-on activities to evaluate their existing materials, 重新思考在个别课程和整个课程中对语法的处理, and design activities intended to help students acquire grammatical structures at various levels of proficiency.

最大的参与者: 25
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.


  1. 同步放大
    小时: 8个(包括1个.5小时休息时间)

  2. 亲临现场(因疫情可能无法提供)
    小时: 8个(包括1个.5小时休息时间)


This workshop focuses on how to build a curriculum that is designed to keep students making steady progress in terms of overall proficiency. ACTFL的引导者将把讲习班的重点放在达到中级水平上, 先进的, 或精通各种技能(口语), 写作, 阅读和听力)和模式(人际关系, 表象的, 解释性的)取决于你的项目的需要和目标, 教师和学生.

最大的参与者: 25
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.


  1. 同步放大
    小时: 7(包括1.5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (因疫情可能无法提供)
    小时: 7(包括1.5小时休息时间)


你准备好安排ACTFL研讨会了吗? 如果你选择了一个最适合你机构需求的研讨会, 请审阅并填写以下核对表, 在向ACTFL提交您的请求之前, 因为这将有助于加快安排:

  1. Decide on the best delivery format for your institution and encumber the funds for this workshop.
  2. 确定你喜欢的日期和时间表. Please refer to your institution’s calendar for available PD days and consult your intended participants on a schedule that is convenient for them. 在向ACTFL提交申请时,您必须提供两组日期. 我们将尽力满足您的喜好, but please know that we cannot guarantee that ACTFL staff and an appropriate facilitator will be available.
  3. 招募你的参与者名单. This will enable you to determine the best dates and schedule for you and your participants by surveying them.
  4. Consult your finance and/or procurement departments to be clear on your institution’s procedures for arranging and remitting payment for professional development services. 确保你能回答以下问题:
    1. What institution/organization will be paying the invoice for this workshop and what is the billing address?
    2. 电子下注软件否需要与你的机构进行供应商申请程序?
    3. 电子下注软件否必须为您的机构签署合同/文件?
    4. 您是否需要创建一个采购订单来处理ACTFL的发票?
    5. 发票是否需要寄给特定的个人进行处理? 如果有,他们的名字和电子邮件地址是什么?
    6. Will you require a separate proposal/quote document aside from signing ACTFL’s services agreement?


一旦你完成了上面的清单, 您现在已准备好联系ACTFL并提交您的请求! 您是否应该提交您的请求而没有完成此清单, this will significantly delay the processing of your request and ACTFL staff will be unable to move forward with workshop arrangements until all checklist items have been finalized.

ACTFL通过这种方式接收机构主办讲习班的请求 候补名单的形式. 填妥此表格后, ACTFL将在2个工作日内与您联系. 请注意 that requests for virtual workshops must be submitted at least 60 days in advance of the workshop start date, 并且至少提前90天参加面对面的研讨会. 如有任何查询,请电邮至
